Historial Figures


Jean Baptiste Antoine Ravignat, Adjutant Major 3rd Regiment of Hussar:


Jean Baptiste Antoine Ravignat, was an Adjutant Major (Capitaine) of the 3e Regiment of Hussards, from 1790-1803.


The adjutant-major (equivalent rank of Captain) was a position that had been created in 1790, and was charged with the service or administration of his battalion and in the instruction of the NCOs and corporals. He was under the direct orders of his superiors and was charged with the details of instruction, manoeuvres, discipline and policing of the regiment, specializing in the particular battalion that he was assigned to. 


 Hello Mathieu,


    Apologies for not getting back to you sooner, I have been away from home

for a few days and have just returned home. There was indeed an officer

named Ravignat his rank in 1799 being Lieutenant and his Colonel being

Soultzmann. He was not wounded whilst serving with the Regiment, he was

mentioned in despatches for an action that took place  at Gros-Goran and

received an award for this.


    When I have unpacked and sorted out I will find you some more details

concerning your ancestor and send them to you.


Best Regards,


Tony Broughton


(Consultation, Napoleonic Historian)


Hello Mathieu,


    I was going to contact later today, I have managed to find some more

information for you. Lieutenant Ravignat did indeed become Adjutant-Major in

the 3e Regiment de Hussards. Unfortunately he died (presumably from wounds)

on the 2nd August 1803 at Saint-Germain-en-Laye.

(ed. note: In fact he died drowned in the Seine attempting to rescue a Domestic)


His citation reads: "In 1799 at the affair at Gros-Geran he took

prisoner three Seckler Hussars, died victim to his devotion to duty 2nd

August 1803 at Saint-Germain-en-Laye"


    You are quite correct Adjutant-Major is an higher rank than Lieutenant,

if I manage to find any further information I will send it to you.


 Best Regards,


 Tony Broughton

(Napoleonic Historian)


The Heroic Death of Jean-Baptiste Antoine Ravignat :


In 1803, at St-Germain-en-Laye, Jean-Baptiste Antoine Ravignat threw himself into the Seine river to save a fellow officer. After saving the officer he threw himself again into the water to save the officer’s servant but unfortunately was drowned trying. This incredible act of bravery was documented in an “annual book of deeds” presented a few years later to the King of France, which served to celebrate the noble actions of the country’s citizens. We have copies of the engraving and of the citation dated 1803. It serves to describe the events above.


Here is a quote from the introduction:


This officer who united goodness and mercy and reasoned bravery with the great soul which characterizes all virtuous warriors, after having escaped from the ravages of war in 11 campaigns, died in the Seine during the summer of 1803, a victim of his own generosity.


Ravignat Authors


E. Ravignat : (Lorraine)

 “Les Vosges, revue pittoresque, historique et statistique “- Charton et
Ravignat - 1841 réédit 1994 - Office d'édition et de diffusion du livre


Details: A series of plates measuring 203 x 285 made up of 88 pages and 46 lithographs produced as a very limited series. The text is written by Charles Charton but the lithographs are the work of a E. Ravignat, mentioned as one of the “most talented lithographers and etching artists of the period.” The plates were re-edited in the collection "Monographies des villes et villages de France." The re-edition dates form 1994.


C. Ravignat (Lorraine)


"Le Jura Pittoresque" de Charles SAURIA, 24 Lithographies de C RAVIGNAT,
réédition tirée à 299 exemplaires, 1960 FF

Mathieu Ravignat (Canada)




Ravignat, Mathieu G., Fourier and Charles Taylor: Romantic Expressivism and the Philosophy of Labour, M.A. Thesis, University d’Ottawa, 2000.


Articles :


Ravignat, Mathieu, The History of Goju Ryu: New Ideas in Goju Ryu’s Direct Chinese Ancestors Part I, Meibukan Magazine, No.2, 2004. (peer reviewed)


Ravignat, Mathieu, The History of Goju Ryu: New Ideas in Goju Ryu’s Direct Chinese Ancestors Part II, Meibukan Magazine, No.3, 2004. (peer reviewed)


Ravignat, Mathieu, The History of Goju Ryu: New Ideas in Goju Ryu’s Direct Chinese Ancestors Part III, Meibukan Magazine, No.4, 2005.  (peer reviewed)


Ravignat, Mathieu, The Medieval Art of the Spear in Liberi’s Flos Dellatorum, OMSG, 2006.


Ravignat, Mathieu, The History of Northern Shaolin: Part I, Meibukan Magazine, No.5, 2005.  (peer reviewed)


Ravignat, Mathieu, The History of Northern Shaolin: Part II, Meibukan Magazine, No.6, 2006.  (peer reviewed)


Ravignat, Mathieu, The History of Northern Shaolin: Part III, Meibukan Magazine, No.7, 2006.  (peer reviewed)


Translation and Interpretation:


Gustav Hergsell, Hans Talhoffer Fechtbuch 1433. Library of Medieval Martial Arts, 2002.


Gustav Hergsell, Hans Talhoffer Fechtbuch 1459. Library of Medieval Martial Arts, 2002.


Anonymous, Le jeu de la hache (1400). Library of Medieval Martial Arts, 2002.



Note: This work has been deposited with geneological details with l’ Association Royale: Office Généalogique et Héraldique de Belgique. Avenue Charles Thielemans, 93 B -1150 Bruxelles, Belgique